Inktober & Filipino American History Month
Today is October 1st, FALL! Already.
I’ve known Inktober for some time now, have not had the chance [or motivation is more likely] to participate - until now! It’s perfect for me, who loves and feels most comfortable with pen and ink.
The challenge is simple and fun, do the prompts which change every day, do as often and as many as you like, and share them. I aim to draw every day and post on the blog and on Instagram. They say that if one consistently does something for a month, then a new habit is formed.
Day 01 Gargoyle.
However, I wanted to create a limitation or more specific to me and my interests. Considering October is also Filipino American History Month, it was a no-brainer for me - to draw the prompt and somehow connect and create a story with being a Filipino…or anything Philippines.
I came up with Gurgling Gargoyle. Follow the like to see what I wrote on Instagram … or below.
Inktober prompt: Do Gargoyle
Pinoy hears: Du “Gargol” [Gurgle]
Drawing: Gurgling Gargoyle
It might not make a ton of sense, but the story in my head is: with the Filipino-English accent, the word Gargoyle sounds more like gurgle. I considered and rejected a short comic strip which would have introduced another [filipino] character. Kept it one drawing and simple.
The video, is also the first time-lapse that I have done of me drawing from almost beginning till the end.
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Googled: “Famous Gargoyle” = Notre Dame