Inktober Day 13 Kind

In Hawai'i, this is a complicated a history. Not going into details, A: because I'm not qualified [clearly learning as I draw], and B: this is an Instagram post and I like to keep it short. If interested, a quick Wikipedia search on "Filipinos in Hawaii" should open up sugar plantations, immigrant workers and unfair treatment, cross pollination of cultures - just to name a few. Also I chose Filipino but this topic includes many other groups of people.

Lots of bad, and people from different walks of life making good things come out of it. A shared language for example.

Da kine, as I've come to understand, is a phrase in Hawaiian pidgin that can mean and used in many ways. The simplest and, probably most often used when you can't remember the word and trying to explain at the same time.
You know, "the kind".

This I think is equivalent to the Filipino "Yung ano". Literally translated "that, what" but more to mean "that thing". You know, "that thing".

I like to think, scenes like this happened - maybe some were light hearted and KIND as I tried to depict here in the midst of tough environments.

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